Wellbeing Services for Organisations


Wellbeing Service

Support for organisations working with homelessness, addiction and mental health

Let's Talk Wellbeing

Wellbeing Workshops, Webinars and Coaching

I am a coach and wellbeing facilitator specifically working with staff in homelessness, addiction and mental health services. I worked in the charity sector for 15 years with peers who brought fun, support and creativity to challenging work. The passion, care and commitment I have seen in my colleagues has been awe-inspiring.

It is this high regard for my peers which makes it my mission to help staff in these sectors prioritise their wellbeing, feel more motivated, energised and create a fulfilling work-life balance.

My key values are inclusivity, listening, and empowerment- all things I honed in my work in this sector. I don’t believe in giving people a load of information and direction about what to do for their health and happiness. Instead, I facilitate exploration, creativity and tapping into knowledge and resources they already have to achieve their own intentions.

Find out more about me
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“I am very pleased that I took the time out to attend. I have the tendency to be far too busy to do things that will benefit my own wellbeing. Going forward I will be looking at prioritising my self care, thanks for the opportunity to now put into practice”

Self-Care and Tackling Overwhelm Webinar participant July 2021

I'm sure that we are all familiar with the sentiment above.

We know our wellbeing is important, but prioritising it can be such a challenge.

I work in three core ways to hold a space and time for putting wellbeing first. These are all tailored to fit your organisation's needs.

Find out more about how we could work together by clicking the button below:

Take a look at the Wellbeing and Coaching information pack


Here's a brief outline of my offers- each service can be delivered as a standalone or in combination.

Webinars and Workshops

Large group webinars or smaller group workshops

Team and Group Coaching

Facilitating groups to work together on achieving an agreed and focused goal. Minimum 6 people per group

1:1 Coaching

Bespoke empowering support for individuals to make changes which improve their wellbeing.

To get the full breakdown of these offers click below

Take a look at the Wellbeing and Coaching Information Pack


Here's what participants from recent Wellbeing sessions have had to say (2021):

'Loved having the time to map out a new goal as part of the webinar. Finished the webinar with a plan to implement it, feeling empowered & in control.'

'The session was great - just the right level of detail - not too in depth to be overwhelming, not so cursory as to not be useful. Thank you for your time!'

'The content of the webinar was just right. It provided enough information for you to process. The delivery was welcoming, warm, encouraging and safe space'

The sessions I deliver are interactive, interesting and focus on making real and lasting change.

Find out more about how I can work with you on your organisation's bespoke wellbeing and coaching offer by clicking below:

All the Wellbeing services you need for your colleagues, all in one place.

Colleagues in your organisation know what self-care is, why it’s important and what the impact is. But making the time and space to prioritise this is the challenge.

I strongly believe in wellbeing support not just being around preventing burnout and overwhelm, but about staff proactively feeling in control and happy while working in such demanding roles.

My work isn't training and instead uses coaching tools to facilitate lasting change through group and 1:1 sessions which raise awareness, develop clear intentions and tap into individual strengths.

Get in touch to develop bespoke wellbeing support

Hello! Have a niggling question?

So lovely to have you here perusing this page. If you have any more questions or would like to explore how this wellbeing service could work with your organisation in practice, let's have a chat. Simply click the button below and we can have a conversation via email or book in a video chat.

Let's have a chat about wellbeing for your organisation
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